Home-jacking, online harassment, doxing, hacking...

Do you really know the information available about you online?

We search and find the personal information that could be used to harm you or your family

What are the risks?

Online information is used to perform malevolent acts. Among those, the main risks are as follows:

Are you a potential target?

If you belong to one of the category below, you are at risk to be targeted by thugs or criminals.

What will you get

We are expert in online security. Our goal is to help you as best as we can.

  • A full personal report about the information we found about you.
  • The right recommendations to reduce your exposure on the most critical items
  • If required, we act as your long-term personal advisor in matter of cyber-security.


All our work is made manually: we are conducting fully manual investigation to get the most precise results.

All the results are 100% confidential and destroyed on request.


Beware of home jacking

Home jacking is the most dangerous and urgent personal threat that emerged in the recent years.

What we are seeing currently is the convergence between two domains: cyber-security and crime or delinquency. This was anticipated by security experts years ago.

Don’t put your family at risk just because your personal address can be found easily.

According to French authorities, anyone can be targeted: craftsmen, business owners, etc.

France-Info, February 2024

home-jacking in France in 2023 - More than one per day

Monitor your online exposure

Monitoring your online exposure is key to address many risks, from online frauds to physical threats against your family. 

If you don’t have a clear view of what anyone can find about you, you can’t protect yourself efficiently.

Physical security measures (alarms, cameras, locks) are a must-have, but they are not enough as demonstrated by many home-jacking reports.

Your main defense layer against physical threats, financial frauds and harassment is to limit your online exposure.